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A Time To Step Down

Date Submitted: 06/08/2004 14:20:08
Length: 2 pages (598 words)
Views: 68038

A Time to Step Down When the President of the United States is sworn into office on his inaugural day in January, he is sworn to faithfully execute the supreme laws of the land, our constitution. We elect a new President every four years to run our nation, represent the country, and uphold the constitution of the United States. The President of the United States is the most powerful man in the world and therefore …

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…down and let the country move on to 21st century with a clear moral conscious that we have seemed to have lost in this incident. If he does not step down, we need to impeach the president to convey a message: in the United States you will be punished for your crimes no matter who you are. The bottom line is that if you commit a crime in any sort you must face the consequences.

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