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James Awad Quotes

«When all is said and done, third-quarter earnings will probably be good and fourth-quarter forecasts good enough to cool some of the worries about inflationary pressures hurting corporate profits,»
Author: James Awad
«The market needs to walk a line between too little growth and too much growth, between profits and interest rates. The jobs report tilted the market toward too little growth.»
Author: James Awad
«I think you're locked in a trading range. The good news is, the consensus for now seems to be that if the Fed's done -- if it's not done, it's very close to being done -- so that relieves the interest rate pressures from the market. And you've ended the negative pre-announcement season. You're going into the regular announcement season, and earnings should be pretty good. And that should support the market,»
Author: James Awad
«They got pounded, ... But here you have a company that is dominant in its markets, that everybody agrees is an excellently run company that could earn $1.75 (per share) next year, so it's selling at about 11-times earnings. And it's an acquisition candidate down the road. So you see the theme here is growing earnings, low valuation.»
Author: James Awad
«North Fork Bancorp stock is selling at about 20. We think its fair value would be about 30. But meanwhile, you're getting a 3 percent dividend yield and it's selling at 10 times earnings. Demographically, it's a very attractive area. So, your risk in buying North Fork is that you're a little bit early and the market doesn't care about value stocks for a while. And of course, in a period of rising rates, financial stocks don't do particularly well. But, ... if you buy it and put it away, you'll end up making 50 percent from current levels over a 12 to 18 month period.»
Author: James Awad
«It's just a great stock to own here, ... The company is growing in excess of 20 percent. The demographics are great for education. The company is selling at about 15 times what we think they can earn next year. It's also one of the few independent publishers left and so we think it's a strategic acquisition candidate, probably worth over $60 a share, and the stock's at about $45.»
Author: James Awad
«The line of least resistance is upward when you have all the liquidity in the market. But you've accomplished much of what you're going to accomplish for the year right now,»
Author: James Awad
«It's been a 'no-brainer' momentum market where securities analysis isn't important, and now you have almost dangerous valuation levels on those stocks,»
Author: James Awad
«The driving force for the market over coming weeks is going to be earnings -- what were the first quarter results and what is the outlook, ... You need strong earnings to overcome the headwinds of higher interest rates and inflation, because those aren't going away.»
Author: James Awad
«Stock investors have concluded that the economy was in good shape before Hurricane's Katrina and Rita, and that it has come through the storms in reasonably good shape, with the exception of oil,»
Author: James Awad

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