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DoD Financial Management- More Reliable Information for Decision Makers The focus of the article DoD Financial Management by William N. Washington
DoD Financial Management- More Reliable Information for Decision Makers The focus of the article DoD Financial Management by William N. Washington is to emphasize the results of financial management systems inefficiencies and the costs that the DoD (Department of Defense) is paying for them (Washington 38). Throughout the article, the emphasis is on ABC (activity based costing), ERP (enterprise resource planning) and their importance in being able to both track what is happening within the organization,
military setting, in an industry that is booming other tools are needed. Accurate projections of future growth are essential, and are the other side of what the article is addressing. Only through projecting both increases and decreases in financial management can effective inventory management be accomplished. Work Cited Washington, William N. "DoD Financial Management- More Reliable Information for Decision Makers." PM Nov-Dec. 2000: 38-41. 21 Dec 2002 < http://www.dau.mil/pubs/pm/ pmpdf00/washn-d.pdf>