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How to make money in the stock market. It discusses various techniques that will yield a profit.
How to Make Money in the Stock Market When I was 17 years old, I was always looking for a quick way to make a fast dollar. I invested my hard earned cash into a risky penny stock. I got this so-called hot tip off the Internet. I then called up my broker and executed the trade. I was now the proud owner of 1,000 shares of a technology stock named Computer Concepts. The stock was 70 cents
in numerous companies instead of just a single one. When buying an Option, I would recommend that you know more than the basics of how stocks trade. For this method is designated for the advanced investors, which their are more than 25 ways of buying a put or a call. I would always recommend to do your homework before diving into a purchase or you will get burnt like I did and so many foolish others.